37 chemin Central, C.P.2280
Havre-aux-Maisons (Îles-de-la-Madeleine)
Québec, Canada, G4T 5P4
Téléphone : 418-969-2100 poste 347
Courriel : info@cermim.ca


Michel Asselin


Trained as a computer technician (programmer analyst), Michel Asselin decided in the mid-2000s to redirect his career towards civil engineering. He first worked as a team leader in roads and structures, then as a civil engineering technician. With a passion for learning, Michel chose to join the CERMIM team with the aim of applying his expertise and passion for problem-solving to sustainable development and the challenges of island life. The team benefits from his many technical and manual skills in all the work he undertakes. He coordinates and participates in activities of a technical nature, assists project managers in determining needs and drawing up procedures, and provides support for the acquisition and maintenance of CERMIM research equipment.