37 chemin Central, C.P.2280
Havre-aux-Maisons (Îles-de-la-Madeleine)
Québec, Canada, G4T 5P4
Téléphone : 418-969-2100 poste 347
Courriel : info@cermim.ca


Annie-Claude Cyr


An Magdalen Islands native, Annie-Claude has always considered it a privilege to have grown up, evolved and lived in this insular corner of the world. A graduate of the Cégep des Îles in administration, she applies her skills to the various research and innovation projects carried out by the CERMIM team, while supporting management in various aspects of administration and human resources. The organization’s mission and values are in line with his own personal beliefs, especially when it comes to the organization’s vision of sustainable development and its constant search for improvement.