37 chemin Central, C.P.2280
Havre-aux-Maisons (Îles-de-la-Madeleine)
Québec, Canada, G4T 5P4
Téléphone : 418-969-2100 poste 347
Courriel : info@cermim.ca


Projects to Meet the Socio-Economic Challenges of Island and Maritime Environments

The CERMIM team carries out projects to serve its clients, but also, when possible, to transfer the knowledge generated to its network of island communities. We like to share the expertise developed in the Magdalen Islands and allow other island communities to use it to develop! Here are some summaries of our projects.

Summaries of Completed Projects

  • All
  • Completed
  • Circular and Proximity Economy in Island Environments
  • Development under climate change
  • In progress

The Matériauthèque

The Matériauthèque is an innovative response that improves the environmental balance of the Magdalen Islands while developing a new niche in the circular economy.

Circular and Proximity Economy in Island Environments, Completed, Development under climate change

Do You Have an Idea for a Project in an Island or Maritime Environment?